Introduction to the 3Rs: how to perform good animal science everyday
In this short video, the CBS ERPC committee explains why tail handling is not an acceptable handling method at Imperial College London Animal Units and what the latest research and suggestions in the field are for more refined practices.
Imperial 3Rs Hub courses for researchers

Experimental Design and Power Analysis for In Vivo Scientists
An on-line course run once a year for Imperial Staff and Student to learn the theory and practice behind experimental design and statistical analyses in animal research.

Lab Animal Publication School
An on-line course run once a year for Imperial Staff and Student to learn how to write about animal and 3Rs studies for academic purposes (publishing or grant applications).
External courses for researchers
- Responsible research in Practice offer a series of online courses on various subjects. Imperial 3Rs PhD students can have a discount to access some of them, if you are interested, please contact the 3Rs Programme Manager.
- FRAME Education & Training Opportunities programme provides training and education for future and current research scientists through different channels.
- NC3Rs regional team delivers free 3Rs training to a variety of audiences across the UK. If you are interested in any and would like to arrange them at Imperial, please contact the 3Rs Programme Manager.
- Charles River hosts frequent seminars, symposia, webinars, workshops, and trainings. They also have ad-hoc eLearning and on-demand webinars for scientists, veterinarians, animal technologists, and support staff.
- UAR offers bespoken or ad-hoc training sessions to learn how to engage with the public on animal research topics.
Are you a PhD student with a 3Rs project? Do you supervise a student working on 3Rs idea? Check our 3Rs PhD Examples section to find new inspirations and learn about our Network.