This online course is aimed at individuals conducting life science research, with a focus on studies using laboratory animals or animal-derived material. It aims to give you a smooth writing process that results in a published article that is fit for purpose.

By the end of this course participants will be able to: Select journal(s) appropriate for their audience and message; identify and use relevant reporting guidelines; Negotiate authorship and acknowledgements; Draft and revise all sections of a manuscript; Manage the submission and peer review process.
Dr Nikki Osborne, Responsible Research in Practice Ltd
Dr Patricia Logullo, The UK EQUATOR Centre
Course Programme:
- Theory:
• Session 1 includes: an introduction to publishing; negotiating authorship and acknowledgement; planning your message and audience; choosing a journal and avoiding predators; using reporting guidelines (including ARRIVE & RIVER).
• Session 2 includes: good writing styles and habits; getting started and keeping going; what to write where; recipes for successful methods, results, discussion, and introduction sections.
• Session 3 includes: recipes for a successful abstract and title; revising your work for simplicity, clarity and completeness; submission, cover letters and dealing with peer review.
- Activities:
• Participants will have their understanding of the theoretical content of each session assessed by means of an online quiz (at the end of each session) and through the completion of session activities:
• Participants will have practice writing their message, identifying potential audiences for their message and finding relevant reporting guidelines for their next study.
• Participants will read and discuss published methods, results, discussion and introduction sections to identify what is done well and what can be improved.
• Participants will have the opportunity to revise an existing title, or write their own, practice revising and editing existing text, plus discuss how to respond to reviewer comments.
Who should attend?
Researchers at any stage of their career, research students and technicians plus others who are actively involved in the reporting or communication of in vivo or in vitro studies using laboratory animals, cell lines or human-derived material.
When and Where?
The course is held remotely a few times a year from the Responsible Research in Practice provider.
The 3Rs Hub sponsor several free spaces for Imperial people per year. If you are interested in attending this course, contact the 3Rs Programme Manager to discuss this opportunity