Support staff

Imperial 3Rs Hub courses for animal care and support staff

Everyday 3Rs for Support Staff

The 3Rs Hub, in collaboration with RSPCA Animal In Science Department, produced a video lecture on 3Rs practices and resources for Animal Technicians and Lab support staff working with animal models.

Identifying a group of mice by ear notching

Training videoclip produced from the CBS training team introducing to best practices in ear notching.

An introduction to basic suturing techniques

Training videoclip produced from the CBS training team introducing to basic suturing techniques.

Appropriate handling methods

Training videoclip produced from the CBS training team introducing to best practices in handling animals.

External courses for animal care and support staff

  • Charles River hosts frequent seminars, symposia, webinars, workshops, and trainings. They also have ad-hoc eLearning and on-demand webinars for scientists, veterinarians, animal technologists, and support staff. 
  • NC3Rs regional team delivers free 3Rs training to a variety of audiences across the UK. If you are interested in any and would like to arrange them at Imperial, please contact the 3Rs Programme Manager.